Tuesday, July 13, 2010


This past Sunday, July 11th, 2010 we traveled 30 k from Lubumbashi to the small chapel in Kipushi.  It is a converted home where a chapel has been built on the back.  The members are so very proud of their building. They are grateful for anything they have to worship in.  They live so very humbly and yet are so very happy to have the gospel in their lives.  The man on the left, Stake President Mugumbu is looking over at Pres. and Sister Gary Packer.

To the Congolese people, time is really relative. I am seated with some primary children waiting for it to start, even though it was already 15 min past time. Luta, is the older girl holding her little sister.  She spoke Swahilli only but she and I became "smiling buddies".  All through Sacrament Meeting, if I looked her way she smiled so beautifully at me. While we waited for others to come, we sang hymns.  Hymns are memorized in French and  can the Congolese sing!!!
As the Sacrament Meeting began, there were 47 members there. The spirit of our Lord was strong and pure. This little Branch sits right on the border of the Congo and Zambia.  Those who taught had a great understanding of the gospel and their fervent testimonies were born with zeal and strength. None of the members own a car. (The car is ours.) They all walked long distances. One severely crippled man walked for miles to and from to attend church.
The Branch felt the need to have their own baptismal font. Here it is not quite finished. They explained that there will be bars to hold on to as you go up the stairs and then down into the water.  They are so thankful for this new font. The main road out to this branch is very rough and so they are quite isolated.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is very important to them.  The gospel is spreading through their valiant efforts to live it correctly.


  1. What great faith and dedication to travel so far to attend church. They really sound like such amazing people. Mama, you are beautiful. Keep those pictures with you and Dad in them coming. We love to see your smiling faces.

  2. Great pictures and great descriptions. Thank you for sharing.

  3. What a beautiful chapel and I love that pic of you and the children. Such pretty people!
