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The baptismal font in the Bujumbura 2 Branche Chapel is finished. The first baptisms were held there just a week ago! No longer after the block of meetings, did the candidates for baptism and other members or friends who had a desire to attend, need to pay transport to go across town to the first font. It made it such a simpler task and everyone was thrilled with this new addition to the chapel building.

It happened on a Sunday when our mission president and his wife were visiting in Burundi. President Packer was so thrilled with the progress and construction changes that have occurred on this second chapel. Here they are standing with the branch executive committee and one of their little daughters.

The missionaries had taught the gospel of Jesus Christ to these four candidates, who were the first to be baptized in the new font. They expressed their thankfulness and gratitude to God, our eternal father.

The Bujumbura 2 Branch is growing. As you can see, this chapel area is still under construction but the previous room that the members and friends of the church were attempting to all crowd into was just too small. So walls have been removed and work goes on to build for the growth that is happening.

There are currently about 80 members in this branch and last week there were 41 friends of the church "coming to see" and many have asked to be taught the doctrines of the church by the missionaries. It is very gratifying to see the love of Christ practiced amongst these amazing people.
"Then shall thy light break forth as the morning...and the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisy thy soul...." (Isaiah 58:8, 10)
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